The Say Study is limited to Afro-descended women aged 25-50 that are residents of Georgia.
Participating in The Say Study involves completing four steps:
Complete an eligibility form,
If eligible, read and sign a consent form,
Complete a demographic questionnaire,
In-Person or via Zoom:
4. Schedule and complete two qualitative interviews. Once your first interview is scheduled, you will receive an email with more information about next steps.
Healthcare Professionals and Researchers:
If you are a researcher or healthcare provider, we would love to hear your experiences as someone who provides care to or does research with Black women and as someone who accesses care as a Black woman.
You will be compensated a minimum of $40 for completing the study. If you choose to audio record your interviews, you will be compensated an additional $10 for $50. You will be compensated an additional $20 for $60 if you video record your interviews.
Additionally, this study offers several packages: 1. an audiobook package, 2. a wellness package, and 3. a journaling package of equal value to monetary compensation.
You can choose your compensation option at the end of the interviews.
Journaling Package
Audiobook Package
" The enslaved African woman became the basis of the definition of our society's other. As the others of society who can never really belong, strangers that threaten the moral and social order(p.70)."
-Particia Hill-Collins. (2002). Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment (2nd ed.). Routledge