Black Feminist and Womanist Methodology
This list contains select readings and is not meant to be comprehensive. If you have a resource that you would like listed, please email us at thesaystudy [at] gmail [dot] com.
Select Black Feminist Method
Black Feminist Thought as Methodology: Examining Intergenerational Lived Experiences of Black Women
Feminist Erasures: The Development of a Black Feminist Methodological Theory
50 Concepts for a Critical Phenomenology: Controlling Images
Black Feminism and Critical Media Literacy: Moving from the Margin to the Center
Considerations for Employing Intersectionality in Qualitative Health Research
Talk That Talk: Storytelling and Analysis Rooted in African American Oral Tradition
When Multiplication Doesn’t Equal Quick Addition: Examining Intersectionality as a Research Paradigm
Remembering my memories: Black feminist memory work as a visual research method of inquiry
Select Womanist Method
A Black Womanist Theomethaxis: Theory, Method, and Praxis for Revolutionary-Revelation Writing
Engaging Racial Autoethnography as a Teaching Tool for Womanist Inquiry
Womanism and Snowball Sampling: Engaging Marginalized Populations in Holistic Research
Defining Africana Womanhood: Developing an Africana Womanism Methodology
Womanism, creativity, and resistance: Making a way out of" no way"
'Africana womanism': Implications for transformative scholarship in occupational science
The womanist ethics matrix: A methodological tool for transformation and social change
'You can't see for lookin”: how southern womanism informs perspectives of work and curriculum theory
Black feminist/womanist epistemologies, pedagogies, and methodologies: A review of literature
Ditchin'the master's gardening tools for our own: Growing a womanist methodology from the grassroots
Emancipatory Research Practices: Womanist Epistemological Research and Storytelling